Release 3.9

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

Released in May 2022

We are thrilled to announce our newest release, 3.9. In this release, we've introduced new out-of-the-box analyses such as YoY Analysis & Market Share Change, Google BigQuery Connector, and many more features across the board. Read more below!

Search & Vizpads

Year-over-Year Analysis

Year-over-Year (YoY) compares data from one time period with the data from a similar time period in the previous year. Users can analyze the results as either Growth Percentage, Difference in values, or Actual values between the current & previous time period.

Support for year-over-year has been added to Search as well as Vizpads.

Market Share Analysis

Market Share Analysis provides deeper insights into the contribution of a dimension group to another group in the same dimension or another. For example: Analyzing the portion of an industry's sales / products / brands / SKUs that a particular company owns in the market as compared to competitors.

Tinace provides Market Share analysis out-of-the-box as a standard aggregation. This saves users tremendous time as they don't have to write complex formulas, SQL, or do any data prep work.

In 3.9, we've added support for Market Share Absolute Change and Market Share Percent Change to further provide advanced analytics out-of-the-box for our users.

Learn more here

New Filters in Help Tinace Learn

Starting in 3.9, the filter experience in Help Tinace Learn has been improved by adding support for new filter operators. On a dimension column, users can set =, !=, In, Not In, Contains filters, and on a measure column, <, <=, >, >=, = filters can be set.

Learn more here


Feed & Alerts notifications

Feeds are generated whenever there's a change in a metric of interest. Users are alerted of the changes (increase/decrease) and other details, along with links to the generated feed as well as the reason behind the change. This is sent to the users as an email along with links to the insight. There's a way to reach out to Tinace to get any help/support on investigating this change further.

Live Insights Updates

Live Insights algorithms have been updated to reflect the New Impact score calculations for average and other ratio-based measures. These improvements are similar to the updates made to non-live Insights as part of the 3.7 release.


Google BigQuery Connector

Starting 3.9, users can directly connect to a Google BigQuery database from Tinace. The new connector eliminates the previously needed intermediate step of connecting to the Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.

Note: We will continue to support the Google BigQuery connection via the GCS bucket route until Tinace 4.2

Learn more here

Fixed Issues

Bottom Query Sorting

Sorting in the bottom query-based chart has been updated to sort the bars in ascending order.

PPT Export

Vizpads charts are ordered from top-left to bottom-right during PPT export. This fixes the issue of random ordering of charts during export.

Case Insensitive Filter Values

Filter values are case insensitive by default. This is an instance-level configuration.

Display names in Tinace

Starting 3.9, data export operations will use the configured display name instead of the original column name on export. Additionally, other parts of the platform have been updated to use display names.

Please let us know via Chat or in case you come across original column names instead of display names.

Comparison Queries

Search queries for dimension comparison use native comparison filters instead of generating a new measure column with an associated dimension value filter.

Run as a non-root user

Security updates to run Tinace services with non-root access.

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