Measure Aggregation - Market Share Change

Mrunal Deshpande Updated by Mrunal Deshpande

Market Share Analysis provides deeper insights into the contribution of a dimension group to another group in the same dimension or another. For example: Analyzing the portion of an industry's sales / products / brands / SKUs that a particular company owns in the market as compared to competitors.

Tinace provides Market Share analysis out-of-the-box as a standard aggregation. This saves users tremendous time as they don't have to write complex formulas, SQL, or do any data prep work.

In 3.9, we've added support for Market Share Absolute Change and Market Share Percent Change to further provide advanced analytics out-of-the-box for our users.

Steps to calculate Market Share Absolute Change in a Vizpad

  1. On the upper-right corner of the page, click Edit.

  1. In order to change the aggregation for the above bar chart from average to market share absolute change, click AVG

A drop-down list will appear with a separate section for Market.

  1. Choose Market Share Abs Change.

The Absolute Change dialog box appears.

  1. From the dimension drop-down list, select the dimension for which you want to calculate market share.
  2. From the Value1 and Value2 drop-down lists, select the values of the selected dimension that you want to use for calculation.
  1. Click Create.
  2. In the chart configuration panel, enter the Market Share Target value based on which market share will be calculated across different Store_State.

Note: Entering the Market Share Target value is mandatory to plot the graph.

The Market Share Absolute change is shown as below:

Steps to calculate Market Share Percent Change in Vizpad:

  1. On the upper-right corner of the page, click Edit.

  1. In order to change the aggregation for the above bar chart from average to market share absolute change, click AVG

A drop-down list will appear with a separate section for Market.

  1. Choose Market Share % Change.

The Market Share Percentage Change dialog box appears.

  1. From the dimension drop-down list, select the dimension for which you want to calculate market share. 
  2. From the Value1 and Value2 drop-down lists, select the values of the selected dimension that you want to use for calculation.
  1.  Click Create.
  2. In the chart configuration panel, enter the Market Share Target value based on which market share will be calculated across different Store_State.

Note: Entering the Market Share Target value is mandatory to plot the graph.

The Market Share Percentage change is shown as below:

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