Release 3.6

Ajay Khanna Updated by Ajay Khanna

We are pleased to announce the Tinace 3.6 Release. This release is full of several enhancements and features that improve user's experience and ability to find answers using Tinace. Read below to learn more!

Admin Enhancements

Resource Management: Jobs Notification and Alerts

In 3.6, Tinace is continuing to offer users and admin more optionality and information as they interact with the platform. As new users on board, the platform needs to balance the resources used with performance. Administrators have the ability to set limits for the individual datasets as well as total data loaded to Tinace in order to match the infrastructure resources provisioned for Tinace.

Users will be notified by Tinace in instances where they are attempting to load more data than permitted by admins. Additionally, if users trigger ETL or Insights jobs when there are not enough resources available in Tinace, the platform will automatically queue the jobs and notify the user when they are completed.

E-mail Notifications opt-ins

Users have the option to opt-in a full set of alerts provided by Tinace within the Settings>My Profile location. As such, users will stay informed both via email and the Notification tab in Tinace on the following areas:

  • Refresh Failure
  • Insights Failure
  • Transformation Job Failure
  • Hard-disk Utilization >90%
  • Shared Resource Access Revoked

User Experience Personalization

New Onboarding Flow and Content Automation

In 3.6, Tinace is onboarding on a powerful personalization journey. Making use of intuitive workflows and automation, Tinace allows users to define the data elements they are interested in and let Tinace do the heavy lifting.

By selecting the Getting Started icon on the Tinace home page, users will complete a workflow where they explicitly define the Business Views to be used, the dimensions, measures, time resolutions, filters, types of questions they are interested in. At the end of the workflow, users kick-start the insights automation process that produces personalized queries for search, insights, and Vizpads. This accelerates the production of content and insights to the business. Users can easily navigate to individual components built by the automated workflow and configure them further.

Step 1: Click on QUICK START button on the Homepage.

Step 2: Complete Steps 1 and 2 i.e. Connect a dataset & create a Business view. After that start the Personalization.

Step 3: Introduction to the Quick-Start.

Step 4: Select the Business View.

Step 5: Select the Questions from suggestions or Edit the suggestion.

Step 6: Select the Metrics, Dimension, and Time resolution for automation.

Step 7: Provide a Project name and KICK OFF AUTOMATION.

Step 8: Automation started in the background and the User will be notified once automation completed.

Step 9: Review the content produced by the Quick Start from Notifications:

Data Enhancements

Column Aliases (Display Names)

In order to keep consistency between the raw data and the business data in Tinace, we are improving the approach to column names in 3.6. Users will be able to define Column Aliases without changing the raw column names. This allows for more consistency and resilience when raw data updates occur.

The business user will like this flexibility as well, as they can choose the Display Names directly in the charts and reports.

Data Caching Notification

As data caching can be a longer running process, we are introducing a persistent non-intrusive notification while the caching process is running to make the user aware. The user is able to continue doing other activities like search and insights while the caching is in progress.

Time Slices

Time based filters are very important for teams that are working with updated transactional data and would like to look at certain time periods in the data. In 3.6, Tinace is adding the ability to define custom date periods Time Slices and compare them with previous periods. These time slices can be used as filters in reports and also referenced in search query syntax.

Example: A user would like to define a time slice for "Last 4 weeks" in the current year and compare them to the "Last 4 weeks" in previous year. For more detail check out this article.

Search Enhancements

Preview SQL for Search

In Tinace 3.6, users can get access to the SQL code generated by the search query. This is helpful for transparency and also helping users understand how certain query structures behave against the query engine underneath. The users also have the ability to copy the SQL code to clipboard in case they would like to document it.

Click on SQL codeView SQL generated for this search


Insights Enhancements

Enhanced Insights Descriptions with examples.

The impact score (Impact Percentage) for the contributors in insights is getting more transparent. Based on the certain types of contributors and insights, the information attached to the Impact Percentage will come with practical examples that make it easy for users to interpret, understand and explain the insights provided by Tinace.

Explore Enhancements

Ability to sort by a different variable on x-axis for graphs:

When building charts, users may want to use a dimension for the x-axis variable. Using sorting logic on dimensions (alphabetical) for the x-axis was limiting before Tinace 3.6. Now users can sort an x-axis but a variable different than the actual selection, allowing for a dimension to be sorted ascending or descending based on a date or measure variable of choice.

Totals/Subtotals on Tables and Pivots Objects

Finally! Users of Vizpads can toggle totals and subtotals options for Columns and Rows for the tabular reporting objects in Tinace.

New Color Palettes

Users can interact with the new and updated color palettes in Tinace 3.6. In Vizpads, we are introducing new sequential, divergent and categorical color selections that will engage the curiosity and creativity of Tinace users.

Predict Enhancements:

Regression Parameters and Statistics:

In 3.6 users of Regressions methods in Predict functionality will have access to to the following statistical outputs based on model training:

  • Intercepts
  • Coefficients
  • P-Values
  • T-values
  • Degrees of Freedom
  • Deviance Residuals
  • Adjusted R Square
  • Standard Error

Precision and Recall Graph:

In 3.6, we are adding Precision and Recall Graphs to accompany Area-under-the-curve (AUC) graphs for Classification models under Model Evaluation section.

ROC Curve:

In 3.6, we are adding ROC Graphs for Classification models under the Model Evaluation section.

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