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    How predictive analytics is changing the concept of Business as Usual

    by Ajay Khanna

    Data analytics isn’t anything new; in fact, businesses the world over have been looking to their information assets for new…

  • Business Intelligence

    Does your Business Intelligence and Analytics mission feel like Mission Impossible?

    by Ajay Khanna

    Business intelligence platforms should deliver one thing: insight into the data that matters to your commercial activities. It should drive…

  • Sports Analytics

    Sports Analytics & Predicting “The Game”

    by Ajay Khanna

    For many years, professional sports globally have mostly evaluated players and performance via simple ‘clipboard’ statistics and ‘human’ scouting. As…

  • Healthcare Analytics

    How Big Data Provides Life Support to the Healthcare Industry

    by Ajay Khanna

    Healthcare organizations adopting a data-driven culture are set to derive major benefits in terms of improving care to patients and…