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Natural Language Search Analytics

Democratize data analytics by asking ad hoc questions of all your data with natural language search

show_me_market Created with Sketch. Show me Market Share for the Top 3 Apparel Brands in the last year

Get AI-Driven Analysis, Not Just BI Query

Ask Follow-on Questions & Drill Deeper

Take your data exploration in any direction, by asking follow-up questions, drilling, and filtering on any data, while customizing queries and visualizations.

Trigger Deep Analytical Insights From Search

Dive deeper to analyze the root cause of changes in metrics, compare cohorts across all dimensions, and uncover segments that drive performance.

Get Answers to Questions You Did Not Ask

Proactive intelligence is generated by continuous monitoring of metrics and data you are most interested in, and pushes insights that you do not know to look for.

Ask Questions of All Your Data

Instant Answers Across Data Sources

Search all your data, even across multiple sources, no matter where it resides

Infinite Data Scale with Distributed Architecture

Instantly analyze billions of data points to discover hidden insights

Real-Time Analysis of Live Data

Pushdown queries to underlying data sources for real-time insights

No Complex Data Modeling Required

Connect to your data sources and you are ready to explore

One of things I love the most about Tinace is that it’s easy to learn. Business users don’t know SQL, but they do love to ask questions. Tinace gives non-technical users newfound ability to interrogate data across multiple source systems in natural language with very little training and empower the firm’s data-driven culture.

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