Release 3.5

Ajay Khanna Updated by Ajay Khanna

We are pleased to announce the Tinace 3.5 Release. This release is full of several enhancements and features that improve user's experience and ability to find answers using Tinace. Read below to learn more!

Data Preparation Enhancements

Ability to edit pipeline enhancements

In release 3.5, users will be able to manipulate the advanced filters, aggregate, and Python transformations in the data pipeline without impacting the subsequent steps. This is helpful as the users do not have to replicate the work again in rebuilding the subsequent transformation downstream from advanced filters, aggregate, and Python transformations.

Ability to view how a fused dataset was created

Users now have the ability to get a deeper view of How the fused dataset was created? The information panel will include the name of the input datasets, Type of joins, Columns in join, and Name of the output tables.

SQL and Python code validation

In 3.5 release, the SQL and Python editors are enhanced with the ability to validate the code. This is useful for users to make sure that the code submitted is correct. Users can also edit and update the older code.

Python code validation:

SQL code validation:

Data Partitioning

In order to improve the performance of the data load, Tinace introduces partitioning of the data. This will make the data load faster into the system, especially when the data sizes increase. User needs to provide the Partition Column and Number of Partitions followed by Lower and Upper bounds. Upper bound and Lower bounds are the Minimum and Maximum value of the column.

If the column has values from 1 to 100 and 10 partitions are selected, then Tinace will create partitions as follows:

  • First partition: 1 to 10
  • Second partition: 10 to 20
  • Third partition: 20 to 30
  • …..
  • Tenth partition: 90 to 100

Tinace can read all these different data partitions in parallel and faster.

Data Partitioning for JDBC Data load:

Data Partitioning for SQL data load:

Folder structure for Datasets and Business Views

Users have a better way to organize their datasets and business views. Previously, users had to scroll through numerous datasets or business views. This improvement allows them to create folder for user-level organization. The user will be able to create a new folder, select the components they want in the folder and also delete the folder at a later date. For a delete event, the datasets/business views in the folder will be just moved back to the general library.

Ability to Edit SQL used to Load Data

Users can edit the SQL used to load the data to make the alteration in the loaded data. This will help users in editing the dataset loaded as default. To edit the SQL user should need to navigate to DATA -> DATASET -> Click on three dots option to access the Edit SQL Load option to open the SQL Edit window.

SQL Edit window:

Search Enhancements

Add Guided Search Experience

The search experience now is enhanced to add the existing search suggestions from the Search guide directly into the auto-complete for the query. This is powerful as the user can now get both next-word suggestions, suggestions based on history as well as suggestions based on the auto-generated questions suggestions the system provides.

Initiate the Guided Search Experience:

Guided Search in Action:

Spanish Language Support for Search

In 3.5, users will be able to perform searches in Spanish against the data. The 3.5 version supports search queries like one measure on date resolution or dimension.

Search in Spanish:

Search results in Spanish:

Support for From, After, Before keywords

In 3.5, Tinace is adding support for search keywords like Between, After, and Before. This is very helpful for users to be asking for the following types of questions:

  • What are total sales after Jan 2014
  • What are total sales from Jan 2014 to Mar 2017
  • What are total sales before Jan 2018

Insights Enhancements

Ability to see additional contributors for insight

When running Insights, Tinace will calculate multiple contributors and as default will present the top five most significant positive and negative contributors to the user. In cases the user would like the system to load more of the pre-calculated contributors, now there is an option to add the next significant negative and/or positive contributors. If there are more contributors that are significant, the system will present them to the user.

How to add additional contributors:

Select Positive or Negative contributors to add:

Click on UPDATE CONTRIBUTORS to add new contributors:

Explore Enhancements

Add a Percent and Absolute change in the Measure aggregation option

When users add measures to graphs, now they have the ability to ask for Absolute and Percent change aggregations. The user then will have the ability to define the dimension and the time measures that they would like the change calculations to be built against.

Allow control of formatting of data series within charts

As of 3.5, users can do the following formatting in Vizpad objects:

  • Users can change the colors of the series in the graphs directly by selecting the series in the graph and choosing from a series of colors through a custom hex code as needed.
  • Users now have the ability to add and format gridlines in graphs by going to Formatting>Grid/Axis Formatting and change the axis as needed.
  • Users now have the ability to add/format markers to the graphs by going to Formatting>Data Labels> turn on the labels and markers toggles

Customizable tables- Size, font, headers

  • When users create the table or pivot objects, the objects auto-fit to the size of the frame and scale proportionally if the users drag the corners of the frame. If the content of the table/pivot object is too large, scroll bars will engage automatically.
  • Users now can define conditional formatting rules for measures in the tables and pivot objects.

Conditional formatting rules

  • Users have the option to exclude the aggregation suffix in the measure edit menu. The default is that the aggregation suffix is included in column names. This is done by going to Formatting>Column formatting>deselect Show aggregation suffix toggle.


Ability to request edit access

Users can now ask for edit access for objects they want to edit from the owner. The owner gets notified via email and can log into Tinace and grant access to the user.

Initiate the Edit Access Request:

Send Request:

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