Release 3.2

Ajay Khanna Updated by Ajay Khanna

Released in December 2020

We are pleased to announce the Tinace 3.2 Release full of several key enhancements and new features that make insights generation and getting answers to your business questions as easy as ever. Read more below!

Top N and Bottom N Comparison Query with GroupBy in Search 

New in this release is the ability to select Top N or Bottom N dimension on aggregated measures in search.  Previously, you could only add one dimension for simple Top/Bottom N queries.

Now, you can add a second dimension to obtain a stacked bar chart, or a time resolution to obtain line charts for the Top N items. Try it out!


  • show total revenue for Top 3 states monthly
  • show me the bottom 3 brands with the most revenue yearly
  • show the Top 10 brands with highest revenue by state
  • Show the Top 3 genres with highest gross yearly
  • Show the Top 4 companies with highest gross by genre

Example Search: Show the Top 3 genres with highest gross yearly

Example Search: Show the Top 3 companies with highest gross by genre

Top N and Bottom N in filters

Allows you to filter the Top or Bottom performers in the chart. You can apply this filter by clicking on Filter ⇒ Select Filter dimension column ⇒ Select Top N or Bottom N in Operator ⇒ Enter value like 3 or 10 ⇒ Select By Value and click on APPLY button to apply the filter.

Backup / Restore content from admin UI

Backup feature allows you to take the Backup of your data to AWS S3 bucket or to your local machine. You can create the backup of your data by clicking on the BACKUP button and selecting the location for backup i.e. S3 or local. Tinace will provide the S3 Backup link or option to download the backup file once backup is completed. 

Restore feature allows you to Restore the instance to the previously taken backup through S3 link of the backup file or upload the backup file from local storage. You can restore data of one instance to another instance as well and restore all your Search, Vizpads, Insights, AutoML Models, Metadata and Data uploaded by the user.  

Search Guide Me Edit

You can update or remove the existing suggestions provided in Search Guide in Tinace.

How does it work?

  1. Login as Admin
  2. Open Search and move the mouse pointer on any suggested search query under the How-To-Search section.
  3. On hovering the mouse pointer, Tinace Platform will show Edit and Remove icons.
  4. You can delete the default suggestion by clicking on the Remove icon. Removing the suggestion will add a new suggestion generated by the Tinace Platform.
  5. You can edit the existing suggestion by clicking on Edit icon. On Clicking the Edit icon, Editable fields in search suggestions will highlight and you can choose a new column/dimension/metric from the drop-down and click on the "save" icon to save the changes.

Export the Vizpads and Charts to PPT

Tinace now supports downloading the Vizpads and Charts in PPT format to directly open them in presentations.

Big Data-based Improvements: Smart Partitioning in Data Load and Business View

Smart partitioning for Input Data, Business Views joins, Published Datasets and optimal connections for Clickhouse save for better experience while working on Big Data. We are Caching Samples at the time of data load for faster transformation with improved Sampling to make sure there is no skew in the model.  

Indicator of Partial Data for Visualization returned from Natural Language Search

With this release, users will now know via an indication within a visualization or chart whether a subset of the data is being shown. Previously, there was no such indicator when obtaining visual results from a natural language search query. This will appear, with the number of rows/data points in the upper right hand corner of the visual/chart.


Other improvements: 

  • Type-search support in filters. Users can start typing the column name and select the column from suggestions on the basis of matching values. 
  • Batch loading of Chats to Optimize the Vizpad response.  
  • Fixed an issue where line charts were "trending to zero" due to missing data, as opposed to true 0-based data values. Now, the chart will end and no longer "trend to zero".

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