Why do we need dashboards

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

In Tinace, Vizpads are interactive dashboards, which provide a rich and interactive experience where you can view the analysis in graphical format and explore your data through visualizations.

Vizpads help you illustrate your data and bring color to your textual and numerical values. Vizpads also simplifies storytelling through chart visualizations.

On the Vizpad dashboard, you can perform various functions, such as:

  • Change chart type, colors or size of a Vizpad
  • Filtering and Sliders
  • Share Vizpads with your group or specific individual in your organization
  • Rearrangement of Vizpads

You can create multiple Vizpads and each Vizpad can further contain different charts, filter panes, and sliders.

Tinace provides you the option to easily move these charts and panels and arrange them appropriately so that you can visualize all of the information clearly.

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