Percentage Queries

Charudatta Mundale Updated by Charudatta Mundale

The percentage query represents the query in which the user wants the percentage-wise information. For example the percentage of sales or percentage of profit.

Tinace platform quickly calculates the percentage of all data from the specified fields or specific data based on the filter conditions applied to the specified fields.


Below are the sample queries where percentage information is retrieved

  1. What is the percentage spend by Drug
    The 'Y' axis column displays the percentage spending of different drugs.
  2. Show the percentage Profit for Technology compared to Furniture
    Calculates percentage Profit between 2 categories. So, the total between the two will be 100% always.
  3. Give me the percentage Profit for Technology compared to Furniture over all product
    Calculates percentage profit for the 2 categories over all categories
  4. Show me percentage Profit for Technology compared to Office Supplies over all categories for Queensland
    Calculates percentage profit for 2 categories overall categories but considering the data only for Queensland.

Search - Absolute change or Percentage change in a metric between two time periods

To know the Absolute change or Percentage change in a metric between two time periods just search it. Tinace supports the Change and Percentage change keywords in search with one metric and dimension.

Below are some examples for Percent Change:

Percentage change in Revenue for Cell phones in 2018 vs 2020.

Percentage change in Revenue for Cell phones vs Laptops

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