Time Period Queries

Charudatta Mundale Updated by Charudatta Mundale

Using Time Period queries, you can simplify the process of creating time-consuming, complex queries. With these keywords, Tinace brings more flexibility for time-based search queries. With the following type of keywords, you can ask straightforward questions in Search.

  • yearly
  • quarterly
  • monthly
  • since/from a specific time period

Sample search query using "yearly" keyword

  1. Show me the average price for 2015 compared to 2017

Calculates average price with yearly resolution and data filtered for 2015 and 2017.

Sample search query using "quarterly" keyword

  1. Show total Profit for Q2 2017 compared to Q1 2018
    Calculates total Profit with quarterly resolution and data filtered for different quarters in different years.
  2. Show total revenue for Q1 2020

Sample search query using "monthly" keyword

  1. Show the total Profit for April 2017 compared to April 2018

Calculates total Profit with monthly resolution and data filtered for April 2017 and 2018.

  1. Show percentage Profit for Jan 2013 compared to Feb 2013 across all dates

Calculates percentage Profit with monthly resolution and data filtered for Jan and Feb 2013, but the percentage is calculated across the complete time range.

  1. Show total Profit for last 3 months compared to last 3 months of 2018

Calculates total Profit with monthly resolution and data filtered for (last 3 months from May) Feb, March and April of current year and 2018.

  1. Show total monthly sales for Jan 2011 to Dec 2011

Calculates the total sales with monthly resolution from Jan 2011 to Dec 2011.)

Sample search query using "since/from" keyword

Since and From translate to the >= operator, which gets applied to the date/time value that follows. 

  1. Show me property since 2009
Date operators Since and From for search queries

More such examples:

  • Show total sales monthly for Q1 2011 to Q4 2012
  • Show total sales monthly for 2011 to 2013
  • Show me products purchased since June 2017
  • Show me inventory by region since 3/2/2021
  • Profit in the United States since Feb 3, 2021

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