Combo Chart

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

In Tinace, you can change your chart to Combo Chart by switching the chart to the Combo (Bar/Line) chart.

Combo (Bar/Line) Chart

  1. From the Vizpads page, open the Vizpad.
  2. On the Vizpad page, click the Switch Chart icon on the chart panel.
  3. In the Charts panel, select the Combo (Bar/Line) chart option to change the chart to Combo chart.
  4. At the top-right corner, click the Edit button to change the chart configurations and change the measures and dimensions.
  5. Tinace facilitates the inclusion of more than two measures for both bar and line in a combo chart.
    Under Bar Measures and Line Measures fields, you can drag and drop as many measures as you want from the required Business View.
Combo charts

Combo Bar

Combo Column

For more information about chart configuration, see Create Visualization Chart and Configure Chart Panel.

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