Guided Search Syntax and Attributes

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

Syntax is always challenging, but we have made modifications to make Tinace as easy as possible to use. Tinace uses the structure below:

Search attributes

In a guided search, Tinace provides the following attributes:

  • Search function, like show, and which
  • Aggregate functions, like first, sum, count, average, minimum, and maximum
  • Logical functions, like contains, =, >, <, >=, <=, by, compare to, between, for, and, or
  • Chart types, like bar chart, area chart, line chart, bubble chart, and pie chart
  • Chart display, like sorted by, stacked by
  • Filters, like, last (days, weeks, months, quarter, year), this (week, month, quarter, year), Date (yesterday, today)
  • Fields, like dimensions or measures from the selected dataset

Guided search syntax

In a guided search, you can use different fields and attributes in a particular syntax so that you can get the desired result.

For example,

Show XX revenue by age for last 6 ZZ


xx is the aggregate function

by, for are logical functions

ZZ are the filters


Show XX revenue by age for name contains Gary


XX is the aggregate function

by, for are logical functions

contains are the filters


Show YY between XX revenue and age


YY, XX are aggregate functions

between, and are logical functions


show sum profit by Region for region contain/ contains/ =


by, contain, contains, = are logical functions

show pie chart/bar chart/ area chart/ line chart between XX Revenue and Region sorted by/ stacked by Profit


pie chart/ bar chart/ area chart/ line chart are the types of chart

XX is aggregate function

between, and are logical functions

sorted by, stacked by are chart display


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Guided Search
