Insights (get started)

Charudatta Mundale Updated by Charudatta Mundale

Discovering deeper insights about data is always interesting.

Although Tinace provides various methods to create insight discoveries, the Discover feature explicitly provides an option to generate hidden insights for data segments, trends, patterns, etc.

In the left navigation bar, click the Discover icon to view the Insights page.

On the Insights page, you can view the panels for the Insights already created. You can also find the panel for creating a new insight.

Click the Create New Insights button to start the insight creation process.

Select the Business view from the drop-down list for which Insights have to be created.

Select the type of Insights to be created and enter the appropriate values.

Insights allow flexibility and ease of use and also discover and display various correlations amongst the different parameters. This helps you in getting a bigger picture with the creation of a single insight. You can also add parameters, add new rows or columns or delete them. All this can be done while creating new insights based on Key drivers or Trends, or Comparisons.

New Insight can be created using Insight Creation (Driver)

New Insight can be created using Insight Creation (Comparison)

List & Card View in Insights, Vizpad, Models

The tile view feature allows you to view more Insights, Vizpad, or models at a single glance and also saves the number of pages.

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