Multi-Business View Vizpads

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Generate Vizpads with multiple Business Views

Tinace enables you to leverage Vizpads with as many Business Views as required. Say, it is possible for you to create a Vizpad using three different Business Views, such as Sales, Marketing, and Support, on a single canvas – thus allowing you to analyze data for various aspects of your business.

Multi Business View Vizpads

Identifying Business Views in a Vizpad

The Business View used in each chart can be identified using the legend displayed near the 👁️ icon. Each color represents a different Business View used in the Vizpad. The colors will be shown/hidden when you click on the 👁️ icon. When you hover over the circle of color in the chart, the name of the associated Business View is displayed in the tooltip.

The Business View that was used to create the first chart in a Vizpad becomes the default Business View, and it’s represented using a ⭐ near its name on the right pane.

When you select a chart, only the corresponding Business View is enabled in the right pane. The Business Views used for the Vizpad will be listed under Active BVs. All the other available Business Views listed under Other BVs are disabled, since you’ll be able to add columns to a chart from only one active Business View. 

Identifying multiple business views using legend

If you need to add columns from another Business View:

  1. Remove the existing columns (measures and dimensions) of the current Business View.
  2. All the Business Views get enabled.
  3. Select the required Business View, drag and drop the required columns to the fields in the Configuration pane.

How to apply global filters in multi-Business View Vizpads?

  • Use the global filter (Add Filter button) to apply filter to more than one chart in a Vizpad.
  • Use the local filter (filter icon) in a chart to apply filter for one specific chart.
Applying global filter and local filter

  1. Click on the Add filter button.
  2. Start typing for a specific column or click on the dropdown button to view the columns of each Business View used in the Vizpad.
  3. Next to the Select Column, you can find three buttons that act as filters - Date/time dimensions, dimensions, and measures. Click on the required button(s) to filter the columns displayed.
Filtering different types of columns in a business view
  1. Select the required column, and provide filter conditions accordingly. Click on Apply.
  2. If you filter using the columns exclusive to one Business View, then the filter will be applied to the charts created using that particular Business View.
  3. The applied filter will be mentioned at the top, near Add filter, represented in the color of the Business View it’s applied for.
    The color of the filter matches the associated business view
  4. If you hover over the filter, then the charts for which the filter is applied will be highlighted (over their border). Click on the applied filter to edit it further, or click on the ‘X’ on it to remove the filter.
  5. If you add a filter to a specific Business View, then it will be aligned along with the existing filters of the same Business View as shown below.
Grouping filters of same business view

Applying global filter in a vizpad
  1. The columns found in more than one Business View will be represented with a Venn diagram icon  
Representing common filters among different business views

How to apply filters using common columns?

If you select any of the common columns that exist in multiple Business Views, then the filter will be applied to all the charts created from those Business Views. With this ability, you can intersect disparate Business Views without necessarily joining them.

  1. Consider a Vizpad created with multiple Business Views - Sales, Marketing, and Support.
  2. If you filter using a common column (e.g., revenue) from a Business View (e.g., Sales), then the filter will be applied to all the corresponding charts (whose Business View consists of column revenue).
  3. The charts that were created using Business Views other than the Sales Business View, will have an additional circle of color (representing Sales) in their chart.
  4. The charts with more than one circle of color indicate that more than one Business View has been involved.
  5. The charts with the same circles of color indicate that those charts were created using the same Business View.
Applying filters using common columns across multiple business views
Example scenario:

Say, if you apply a filter using the revenue column, and two Business Views (Sales and Marketing) have a column named revenue, then the filter will be applied for charts created using Sales and Marketing.

  • The chart from Sales Business View will have one circle of color (indicating Sales).
  • The chart from Marketing Business View will have two circles of color (indicating Sales and Marketing).
  • The chart from Support Business View will have one circle of color (indicating Support, since it doesn’t have a column named revenue).

If you create a chart from a Business View (e.g., Customer success) that has common column(s) (e.g., revenue) for which a filter has already been applied, then the chart will be created with the revenue filter.

Thus, you can select a chart created using any Business View and apply a filter using the common columns from a different Business View.

How to save multi-Business View Vizpads?

  1. If you click on Save, you will get a list of Projects that consist of the Business Views you have used.
  2. Search for/select the required Project. Select Other to save the Vizpad in a folder other than the ones listed.
Saving a multi business view vizpad

Once you open a Project, you can view the content relevant to that particular Project — thus only the associated Business Views of a Project will be displayed.

  1. Go to the Projects tab and select a Project associated with multiple Business Views.
  2. If you open a Project, then the default Business View will be displayed on top, next to the Project name.
Default business view in a project
  1. From the Project, if you navigate to Insights → Create an Insight or Models → Train a Model → Auto ML (or) Point-n-click, you will get the option to choose the required Business View.
  2. In the window that appears, the default Business View will be selected.
  3. Remove the default Business View, and the list of all applicable Business Views (according to the Project) will appear.
  4. Select the required Business View and click on Confirm to proceed further.
Changing a business view in a project

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