
Charudatta Mundale Updated by Charudatta Mundale

Market share cohort insights

Market Share is a metric used to give a general idea of the size of a company with relation to the market and its competitors. It is the percent of total measure generated by a specific dimension compared to the total measure over all the dimensions.

1)    Market share can be a measure of a company’s sales relative to its competitors.

2)    Market share can also be a measure of sales of a specific category product relative to the sales of all the products in a company.

A product company's Market share is calculated by taking the company's sales over a period and dividing it by the total sales of the industry over the same period.

Comparison Driver with Marketshare:

The following example shows what drives revenue marketshare of cell phones(Product category) for Florida compared to New York.

Comparison Driver for Market share wo Filter: 

Example: Revenue Market Share of cell phones for Florida vs New York

Understanding changes:

  1. When Exit Page= Apply coupon

Market share of of Cell phones for Florida = 34.46%

Market share of of Cell phones for New York = 77.75%

Market Share Change is 77.75-34.36 = 43.29

Impact on Revenue difference = +0.34%

  1. When Income = Low Income

Market share of of Cell phones for Florida = 13.68%

Market share of of Cell phones for New York = 4.38%

Market Share Change is 13.68-4.38 = 9.30

Impact on Revenue difference = +0.27%

  1. When Time of Day = Morning 6am-11am

Market share of of Cell phones for Florida = 9.97%

Market share of of Cell phones for New York = 1.80%

Market Share Change is 9.97-1.80 = 8.18

Impact on Revenue difference = +0.27%

Trend Driver for Market Share W/O Filter: Market share without a market share filter is a simple percentage.

Example: Change in Revenue of New York State.

Percentage of Sales for Wk Sep 16,2019 to Sep 29, 2019 = 66.73%

Percentage of OfficeSupplies for Wk Sep 14,2020 to Sep 27, 2020 = 0%

Market Share Change is 66.73-0

Market Share Change Percentage is -100.00%

Select the top contributors based on statistically significant Market Share Change of variable of interest within the dimension of all contributors.

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