Different Query Types / Formats

Lauren Kunz Updated by Lauren Kunz

Tinace Assistant provides the Search Guide page where you can view the sample example queries separated into different categories based on the type of analysis that you want to perform.

When you access the Tinace Assistant menu for the first time, you can click the 'Things you can ask Tinace Assistant' option to view the Search Guide page.

Following are the query types that you can find on the Tinace Assistant page:

  • Top/bottom analysis: This category list the examples that can give you the top and bottom performing dimensions.
  • Insight: This category list the examples that can generate insights from the database on the selected driving factors.
  • Understanding trends: This category lists the examples by which you can get the trends in your data for a particular time period.
  • Comparisons and filters: This category lists the examples by which you can generate the analysis by comparing different dimensions of the data.
  • Changes over time: This category lists the examples by which you can find the changes in your data over a period of time.
  • Clusters and segments: This category lists the examples by which you can generate the analysis for a specific segment or cluster of the data for a specific period of time.
  • Basic analysis: This category lists examples to generate the analysis for simple questions.
  • Time based analysis: This category list examples to generate the analysis based on the changes in the data in a particular time period.

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