Customize the auto-picked columns

Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Tinace has brought in capabilities to customize the auto-picked column in a search query for the following scenarios:

Disambiguating similar search keywords: If a search keyword is found in multiple columns, then Tinace auto-picks the most relevant column.

Overriding primary date column in the search query: If you use date-related keywords in search queries, then Tinace auto-picks the primary date column.

Disambiguating similar search keywords

There could be situations where the same value is present under multiple columns in a data table. For example, New York could be under “City” or “State”. In such cases, when you use “New York” in a search query, Tinace auto-picks a column and displays the results.

A note will be displayed to keep you aware of the column selected. To change the auto-selected column,

  1. Click on the Update option in the note.
  2. A list of other columns which contain the same value will be displayed under the search query.
  3. Choose the required column for which you want to see the results.
  4. The chart will be updated accordingly.
Solving similar keywords found under multiple columns

Overriding primary date column in the search query

It’s common for a dataset to have multiple date columns. When you include any keyword related to date in the search query, Tinace auto-picks the primary date column of the Business View and displays the results.

A note will be displayed to keep you aware of the column selected. Tinace allows you to override the primary date column with the non-primary one, using the following steps:

  1. Click on the Update option in the note.
  2. A list of non-primary date columns will be displayed under the search query.
  3. Choose the required date column that must be included in the query.
  4. The chart will be updated accordingly.
Overriding primary date column

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