ML Model

Hardik Chheda Updated by Hardik Chheda

For a Segment Insight, you can view the metrics.

The metrics include:

  • Model information: Information about the machine learning model used to generate the segment insight.
  • Evaluation: Evaluation of the model on the dataset.
  • Feature Importance: Importance of the features that are key drivers of the insight.

In the right pane, click the Metrics icon.

The Model Information page appears.

On the Model Information page, you can view the following information:

  • My Job: The details of the insight job run in Tinace.
  • Input Features: List of features used as input to generate the insight.
  • Model detail: Details of the model used to generate the insight.

Click the Evaluation tab to view the evaluation of the model on the dataset to generate the corresponding insight.

On the Evaluation page, you can view the following information:

  • Measures: The percentage of measures in the dataset.
  • Confusion Matrix: The actual vs. predicted matrix

Feature Importance: Once a model has been created, the feature importance would be displayed in percentages as a part of the Model summary.

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