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Ramya Priya Updated by Ramya Priya

Feeds allow you to stay updated on the metrics you are tracking and get alerts whenever there is a change (drop or spike) in your metric. The metrics can be viewed on the Feed page.

Alerts on the detection of anomalies

Once a metric has been configured to track, Tinace checks for anomalies every time a Business View is refreshed. When an anomaly is detected in the metric being tracked, Tinace alerts the users concerned in the following ways:

  1. In-app alert: A panel will be created on the Feed page with the following details. The Feed generated is fully dynamic with which you can interact to get detailed insights into the "what" and "why" of the change.
Feed generated on detection of anomalies
  • Details of the metric being tracked (name of the Feed, frequency of monitoring)
  • The change detected (drop/spike in the value)
  • Timestamp when the anomaly occurred
  • A line chart for the tracked metric.
  • The Details button will redirect you to the associated Insight where you can get additional details on what drove the change.
The insights behind an anomaly detected in a metric.
  1. Email alert: An email will be sent to the creator and subscribers of the Feed. The email contains the details of the anomaly, links to the generated Feed and associated object. The following is a sample email:
Email alert on anomaly detection

View the metrics being tracked

  1. Click on the Feed tab on the left pane and the list of existing Feeds will be displayed. 
  2. Click on Manage Feeds in the top right corner. The list of existing metrics being tracked will be displayed with the following details:
  • Name - name of the Feed
  • Business View - Business View associated with the Feed
  • Measure - metric being tracked
  • Aggregation - aggregation followed for the measure
  • Resolution - the frequency by which the metric is monitored
  • Filter - filters applied (if any)
  • Create date - the date when the Feed was created
  • Created by - the creator of the Feed

Track a new metric

  1. Navigate to Feed --> Manage Feed --> Track new metric. The following window New Feed Subscription appears.
  1. Under Measure to track, choose the required Business View, aggregation, and the measure from the available list.
  2. Choose the frequency to monitor from the dropdown near How often do you want to track the KPI?
  3. Click on + to add the required filters.
    1. Choose the required column from the Filter Column dropdown.
    2. Provide the Filter Action and the column value in the Value field.
    3. To add more filters, click on the + sign and select the AND/OR conditions to set between the filters.
  4. Provide a name to the Feed.
  5. Click on Next to continue or click on Cancel to dismiss.
  6. Tinace will search if there is an already existing Feed with the same specifics and filter.
  7. If there is an already existing Feed, an option to subscribe will be displayed as shown below. Once you click on Subscribe, you will receive regular email updates. A new Feed can also be created by clicking on the Create a new feed.
Subscribe to new feed
  1. If you choose to create a new Feed, under Included, you can select the columns that need to be considered for the metric to be tracked.
  2. Click on Create to create the Feed or click on Cancel to dismiss.

Delete tracking a metric

  1. Navigate to Feed --> Manage Feed.
  2. A list of metrics that are currently being tracked will be displayed.
  3. Click on the three-dot (kebab) menu, and click on Delete.
Deleting a metric

  1. In the confirmation window, provide the correct answer for the given question.
Deleting a metric that is tracked

  1. Click on Delete if you do not wish to track the metric, or click on Cancel to dismiss.

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